Click here to go directly to the COVID-19 time codes
ACT Actual Hours Worked (**ACTUAL) - Actual hours worked by an employee. The system uses these hours to calculate Overtime and Regular Hours Held.
ATT Attache Personal Leave Taken (**PL TAKEN) – Personal paid leave for legislative attaches to use during the session. Employees are entitled to a maximum of 24 hours per session and the remainder will be paid off when separated. See House and Senate Attaches and Pages for more information.
ATP Attache Personal Leave Payoff (**PL PAID) – Payoff of remaining personal paid leave for legislative attaches. Employees are entitled to a maximum of 24 hours per session and the remaining hours will be paid off using this code when a separation is processed using the SQ change reason. The SQ change reason must process through Payroll in order for the ATP to generate. Another separation reason, i.e. XO or SA, will not generate ATP for the legislative attaches. See House and Senate Attaches and Pages for more information.
Note: For FLSA S employees agencies code CPP. The covered comp balance is paid first, then CEP is generated to pay exempt comp hours. To pay Exempt Comp hours to an FLSA S employee on the IPOPS Special Payment action, CEP should be coded.
Note: If an employee works overtime in week 1 and week 2, Overtime for both weeks is calculated and hours over the 240.0 max are paid as OTP before any CPT or CPP is calculated and hours over the 240.0 max are paid as OTP before any CPT or CPP hours are subtracted from the employee's comp balance.
NEW COVID-19 time codes
Timesheet Examples:
Additional information can be found on DHR's website or by clicking here DHR COVID-19 Workforce Guidance
CVA COVID-19 OT PAID 1.5 (**CV19OTPD) COVID-19 use only. Pays hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
CVB COVID-19 OT ACC 1.5 (**CV19OTAC) COVID-19 use only. Accrues hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
CVC COVID-19 OT PAID 1.0 (**CV19OTPD) COVID-19 use only. Pays hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime. After receiving approval, the agency should then process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S". The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.
CVD COVID-19 OT ACC 1.0 (**CV19OTAC) COVID-19 use only. Accrues hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
Note: If CVF is coded on a timesheet a warning message will be received. The timesheet can still be submitted by selecting OK on the warning message.
CVH COVID-19 Sick Leave (**CV19 SIC) COVID-19 use only. Emergency paid sick leave (ESPL) provided by FFCRA that is not included in FMLA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
CVL COVID-19 FMLA LWO (**CV19LWO) COVID-19 use only. FMLA leave without pay for use in conjunction with expanded FMLA provided FFCRA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
CVP COVID-19 FMLA Sick (**CV19 SIC) COVID-19 use only. Emergency paid sick leave (ESPL) provided by FFCRA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
CVR COVID-19 REGULAR (**CV19 REG) COVID-19 use only. Telecommuting hours worked for COVID-19 and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.
CVS COVID-19 ADV SICK (**CV19ASIC) COVID-19 use only. Advanced sick leave taken specifically due to COVID-19. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
CVT COVID-19 ADMIN LEAVE (**CV19 ADT) Administrative leave taken specifically due to COVID-19. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
Effective June 14, 2021 through December 31, 2021: All State employees who receive the COVID-19 vaccine by December 31, 2021 are eligible to receive four (4) hours of paid COVID administrative leave (CVT). Includes temporary employeesEmployees who received the vaccine before the June 16, 2021 announcement are eligible for the four (4) hours of paid COVID administrative leave.Employees who meet the eligibility requirements can use this leave through December 31, 2021.The CVT leave must be coded prior to January 31, 2022Please refer to updated DHR's COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Guidance memo COVID19-Vaccine-Incentive-Guidance See COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive for State of Idaho Employees for additional information on all of the requirements associated with using the CVT earnings code.
Effective June 14, 2021 through December 31, 2021: All State employees who receive the COVID-19 vaccine by December 31, 2021 are eligible to receive four (4) hours of paid COVID administrative leave (CVT).
See COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive for State of Idaho Employees for additional information on all of the requirements associated with using the CVT earnings code.
April 1, 2020 through May 10, 2021 prerequisites when using CVT:Provided up to 80 hours of administrative leave to full-time employees (pro-rated for part-time employees).Considered to work just like ADT for ACA purposes.Required pre-approval by DHR and Legal Counsel.
April 1, 2020 through May 10, 2021 prerequisites when using CVT:
CVW CV19 HOL OT PAID 1.5 (**CV19OHPD) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code. CVW hours will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.
CVX CV19 HOL OT ACC 1.5 (**CV19OHAC) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code. HOA hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.
CVY CV19 HOL OT PAID 1.0 (**CV19OHPD) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'. CVY hours will be paid at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.
CVZ CV19 HOL OT ACC 1.0 (**CV19OHAC) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on holiday by an employee with an ‘exempt’ FLSA code. HOS hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.
FMP FMLA Parental Leave (**FML PAR) – Paid parental leave provided by the Families First Act (Executive Order 2020-03) to be used in conjunction with Family Medical Leave. See DHR policy for eligibility requirements.
OFS BOE Overtime Paid 1.0 - (**OVT@1.0) Approved paid overtime. Used by employees with FLSA codes A, I, or P.
Example: In 2009 Public Health District employees used this earnings type to receive compensation above their regularly scheduled hours for time worked on federal contract H1N1 vaccine distribution activities.
Note: Approval by the Board of Examiners is specific to the agency's request and does not allow ONL to be used in any other situations.
PAR Paid Parental Leave (**PARENTLV) – Paid parental leave provided by the Families First Act (Executive Order 2020-03). See DHR policy for eligibility requirements.
REG Regular Hours (**REG PAY) - Hours worked and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.
TEL TELEWORK REGULAR (**REG PAY) Telecommuting hours worked and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.
THA TELE HOL OT ACC 1.5 (**HOL @1.5) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code. THA hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.
THP TELE HOL OT PAID 1.0 (**HOL @1.0) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'. THP hours will be paid at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.
Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime. After receiving approval, the agency should process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S". The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.
THS TELE HOL OT ACC 1.0 (**HOL @1.0) Telecommuting hours worked on holiday by an employee with an 'exempt' FLSA code. THS hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.
THW TELE HOL OT PAID 1.5 (**HOL @1.5) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code. THW hours will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.
TOA TELEWORK OT ACC 1.5 (**COMP@1.5) Accrues telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
TOP TELEWORK OT PAID 1.5 (**O/T @1.5) Pays telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
TOS TELEWORK OT ACC 1.0 (**O/T @1.0) Accrues telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
TPS TELEWORK OT PAID 1.0 (**O/T @1.0) Pays telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
Note: The Board of Education policies are only applicable to agencies under the board's jurisdiction.
Used by Lewis Clark State College.
Note: Vacation leave is not paid when an employee transfers to another state agency without a break in service.